thanks for sharing that! Lots of great info. Is there any examples where lakes/rivers that had good runs of wild salmon but had close to 95% declines like out local rivers, actually every recover to historic levels? A level where hatchery supplement isn't necessary? What strategies would be used?
The short answer to your question is no.
while the Elwha is something of a modern miracle there is no evidence it is anywhere near or will approach the resource level before the dam.
There have been some interesting developments or innovations; lake fertilization for sockeye particularly for the Alberni Lakes, spawning channels that provide near perfect spawning & incubation conditions and in the cases of the Fulton River/ Babine lake project and Weaver Creek actually significantly increase spawning capacity. These improvements in the face of declining ocean fertility, climate change, over fishing, predation and yada yada yada seem ephemeral sometimes producing bumper years, sometimes little effect and introducing a wholeslew of issues with cross stock and multi-species interception.