Efforts to free Kokanee salmon from 'predator pit' continueFor Kootenay Lake’s kokanee salmon population to rebound, the kokanee first need a break from being devoured by the over-abundant rainbow and bull trout, say Ministry of Forests officials. So, in the coming year, the ministry will be ramping up measures to reduce the number of predatory trout in the lake.
“Get out fishing!” was the main message to the public at meetings held at Lardeau Valley Community Hall in Meadow Creek on February 22 and in Balfour February 21.
The meetings were held to provide an update on the Kootenay Lake kokanee collapse and efforts to address it. The population collapsed in the early 2010s after rainbow and bull trout suddenly began eating most of the kokanee in the lake.
Measures to reduce predators include proposals to further loosen fishing regulations for rainbow and bull trout, and continued prize draws for anglers who catch and remove them. The ministry is also partnering with local Indigenous nations to remove trout with nets and fencing, and is continuing to stock spawning channels with kokanee fry.
Ministry officials said they are making headway but more needs to be done to capitalize on the progress.
https://www.pentictonherald.ca/spare_news/article_d29c232e-ecf2-5197-b471-99b2ca780548.htmlThere is much more to this article. I found their approach interesting in attempting to employ angling as a chief method of predator reduction alongside FN netting.