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Author Topic: Pacific Salmon Foundation "Status of Steelhead Populations" Report  (Read 3503 times)


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PSF has released a report on the status of steelhead populations in BC.

No surprises. It's all dire. Most identified populations have no or very little data on what populations are currently as in are they less than 100 less than 10 or extirpated in many streams.

Some folks are smug about this... it's nothing new. Big surprise to me is the inability of PSF to access data where it exists! Examples:

Semiahmoo Community hatchery has a fish fence but no data is accessible after 2010. The Alouette also has a fence (no mention of this) though this generally remains open after the salmon runs. Recently the Province has restarted float counts though it appears that data exists in file cabinets or the contractors thumb drive. No mention of steelhead tag surveys. I get one every year, fill it out and mail it in. and this would provide some data going back decades. The Province continues to drag it's feet here.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2024, 06:26:28 PM by RalphH »
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