Jacobsen Creek is tributary of the Little Campbell River and provides spawning and rearing habitat for salmon and anadromous trout. However, for over 30 years, fish access to almost four kilometres of the creek has been impeded by a perched roadway culvert that created an insurmountable, four foot high, barrier to migration and spawning.
In August/September of 2023 a fishway was constructed to raise the stream bed to the elevation of the culvert. The fishway has a natural, meandering, design and provides a pool, that connects the culvert to the stream, to prevent erosion and for the fish to rest during migration
I volunteer with the organization (ARocha Canada) that led the project. I spent a chunk of my working career doing public sector procurement so I contributed to the project by helping draft the Request for Proposal (RFP) and the construction contact.
Over the past two fall seasons (2023 and 2024) we have walked Jacobsen upstream of the fishway to observe and count spawning salmon. It's been super rewarding to see coho and chinook utilizing habitat that had previously been unaccessible for many years.
You can read more about the project, and see some cool pics, here: