well even though some off that lingo was a wee bit over my head
i think i got the jist of it lol
so what about letting natural selection do its thing within a hatchery setting, would take some reconstructive surgery but think about it down and dirty nasty pads for all those bad boys and girls. then when theyve dug in laid them down and laid out there life force, remove dead boddies, control temp of water, control flow of water through tank wait for eggs to hatchthen remove the fry or alvien and place in a more controlled enviroment for remainder of hatchery life.
say large long troughs with 20 pair of fish or so if a certain fish has not been able to find an appropriate mate within ten days move him or her to another tank
or go to the extremes that the atlantic salmon federation has and organise the gene pool and keep tabs on returning fish through proper I.D. pit tags so that you can keep the gene pool as seperated as possible. time consuming at first but once the initial field work is done its a very easy system to track.