Arrived at the Lickman parking lot the other day to walk the Sheltie to "discover" two males and one female standing around an older model Econoline van (light blue and rusted out along the door panels).
Being a sociable type, I asked them how fishing was going and they said, "fine."
" What are you fishing for?" I asked.
"Trout," was the response.
Being nosy I said, "What kind of trout?" The response, "You know, the small silver kind." They were nervous individuals and would not look at me directly and kept walking around nervously.
Not dressed as fishers, no equipment in sight, and they knew as much about fishing as I do about brain surgery. Am I being paranoid? Don't think so.
The message here is: Put equipment out of sight! Lock up! Be vigilant! Report! The RCMP number is 604.792.4611.
I wasn't smart enough to take the licence number.