I keep thinking about this thread. Somewhere back there someone suggested taking a golf club to those mushrooms. I really wouldn't do that. These are beautiful mushrooms, and if allowed, they will return year after year. Yeah, they are toxic; but they are so gaudy, even the most callow mushroom hunter would hesitate to eat them.
This is not so obviously the case with some other members of the amanita family: faloides and pantera. Neither of these is particularly gaudy (although both are large), and they are more deadly than their cousin, muscaria. If you have muscarias in your area, chances are you also have some panteras and faloides.
Supposedly the muscaria (musca = fly. In Spanish, mosca = fly) got its name from being used for killing flies. You mixed up some of that mushroom with something sweet and left if for the flies. It didn't exactly kill the flies, but it screwed them up so much that they were really easy to swat.