Yeah, I've had a few kodak moments chucking a fly. The worst is when you are trying to flycast and a good steady wind keeps pushing the line across you so that by the time the fly goes past you it usually ends up stuck in your ________(take your pick
Witnessed a classic moment last year fishing for pinks on the Harisson with my boss. We were fishing side by side, and he gets a fish on(we were both using fly gear). He plays the fish, and starts to bring the fish in. He has not bothered to reel in his line, I guess he figures it is just a pink, why bother. Well, he gets the fish a few feet infront of him and is about to try and tail it in 3-4 feet of water when the pink decides it has had enough does a really good impression of a pink salmon on speed. By the time it was over, my boss was standing there with fly line wrapped around him several times, around 2 wood pilings a few feet away and around his rod. He managed to unhook the fish and spent the next 15 minutes recovering...