I received a similar video a couple years ago called "Drift Fishing for Steelhead" with Nick Amato and Bill Hertzog as a promo with my subscription to STS. Great video, but I was actually expecting a video on float fishing. It seems the Americans prefer the bottom bouncing technique vs. float fishing. After watching that video I decided to add a couple of the pointers demonstrated. It's not a technique I have used much for steelhead (however I use it a great deal for Coho). In my experience you use the technique that best fits the section of river you are covering, time of day, weather, water clarity and temperature. If you are comfortable with one or two techniques, great, personally I enjoy changing things up to adapt to the water in front of me using what I think will be the most effective presentation method. I found the most effective method for catching Coho this past season was drifting/bb'ing a colorodo blade - I used the same technique with success in a few rivers including the Vedder here on the south coast and in the Babine and Fulton in the north. I have to add that when I first started out, I hired a guide to show me how to fish different kinds of water. He did suggest bb'ing deep pools depending on what your terminal tackle is, as a slip float may not allow you to present some tackle properly.