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Author Topic: Cultus Pike Minnow Derby. Is A Pike Minnow Or Chinook Easier To Catch? June 18  (Read 3574 times)

chris gadsden

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Even though I was involved in helping with the annual Pike Minnow Derby todsay sponsored by the Fraser Valley Salmon Society, Fisheries and Oceans Canada along with the Freshwater Fisheries Society of B.C. I thought I would fish for a couple of hours.

My day started with only 3 hours or so of sleep as I had to go to Vancouver yesterday to meet up with my badminton partner to take some lessons at the Vancouver Racquet Club.

One thing led to another as the 4 of us went out for supper near UBC after the lessons,then took my wife shopping at the Bay and then off to the show "Cinderalla Man" which I would recommend.

When we got home around 12:30 there was an e-mail from Gwyn  on the computer, the Leaf Craft#1 was ready to go but he had picked up only a few dew worms. ::)

As there would be 4 of us on the trip, Gwyn, myself, daughter- in law- Tanya, and brother- in- law Tony I thought,I better pick some off our lawn.

A rain had the lawn wet and the worms were out. ;D ;D I always have been a bad picker and go often for the wrong end of these elusive guys, especially when they are in fairly long grass. The Cinderalla man had better luck connecting with his punchs in the movie as did I hitting the birdy in the badminton lessons earlier in the day than picking the worms.

Anyway three trips around the yard, an hour later I had 50, tough work, maybe should have bought them instead. :-\

After getting what I thought was enough dewys next up was to get the tackle ready before falling onto the couch in my fishing clothes on, than 3 hours left in the night before I had to pick up Tanya.

The 3 hours were gone in a flash and by 6:15 I was picking up Tanya, then met Tony and then The Leaf Craft and Gwyn at Cultus Lake at Main Beach, derby headquaters.

We load the boat with our gear and my partners head to Jade Beach to launch LC who would be happy to be once again on the water as her sister LC # 2 had been having all the early fishing action so far in 2005.

Tanya and I help derby co - ordinator Peter MacPherson and the other volunteers get things set up. Pete does such a great job organizing  this event each year.

Frank and Ev from the FVSS are busy getting breakfast ready and the aroma of the cooking bacon drifting across the beach made ones mouth water. ;D

Gwyn and Tony join us and I spring for breakfast. ???

Dean Werk also from the FVSS and pres of the Fraser Valley Angling Guides Association appears with a number of his fellow guides from the Association and some other local guides. They once again are here this year to take some of the derby anglers out on the water free of charge in their jet boats. I thank Dean for this generous offer they are providing and those that go out sure appreciate it.

With our breaky satisfying our nawing hunger we are on the water.

We anchor and gear up. I try float fishing my hot prawn tails that the PM's have loved during my recent chinook trips on the Fraser. "Randog'' float is also aboard to spin its magic.

I rig Tanya to fish a worm with a bit of pencil lead. A fellow in a float tube floats by "anything I ask" I am startled with is rely "a few, 8 so far" ??? Next question "whats yay using"? He replys "just a worm, no weight" as he continues paddling like a duck down the lake.

With that remark in all respect to you Randog your float and those prawn tails are quickly clipped off and filed away for another day.

We are in the water for 30 minutes and Tanya connects first but loses it. :'( Then my pole dips a bit, I reel the fish whatever it is to the surface, no fight at all.  "O it is only a bull head "(sculpin) I say a little more than disappointed.

Tanya then connects with something heavy, maybe it is that sturgeon that was caught a while back in the same area I say. " A log Tanya" says as she pullsls it free but the thought of the sturgeon is still  in my thoughts.
Tanya is putting the three of us to shame as she is the first to hit pay dirt, a nice Northern Pike Minnow.

I snap a picture of her with her fish and we file in in her bag as I have brought 4, one for the each of us to put what I figured we would nearly fill. I was also video taping some of the action.

We do not see much action and Gwyn moves us but this spot is full of milfoil. Back to Tanya's hot spot and then Tony lands a rainbo3 of about 15 inches. I snap a photo.

Gwyn and my poles lay dormat and at 10:30, time for me to go to the beach and look after the Fishing Frenzy gaame.

The others head back to the lake, maybe with me away from the LC their luck will change. :-\

The fish start to come in, being carted along by the successful ones, including Mr Float Tube Guy with about a dozen. " Tough fishing" he tells me, no kidding I think but do not say it.

The time slips by quickly and Don from the Chilliwack/Vedder Cleanup Coalition comes along and gives me a hand with the Frenzy contest. Don will be giving a talk about CVRCC and we will do a little cleanup just before the prize presentations.

More fish start to trickle in and as the 2 o'clock deadline comes there is a lineup, some with dozens of fish.  ???

I see the LC and its 3 occupants coming in. I greet them with the idea of seeing their bags full.

Captain Gwyn with a dejected expression on his face says" no more PM's ??? How can that be as there is lines of other anglers with dozens. Let me tell you Gwyn is a good angler.

"Tanya got a nice residual Coho and three more bullheads and that was it" the captain said. :o

Then we have our mini cleanup and then, the prize presentations to the very happy derby crowd. The smiles on the kids faces made all the work Pete, the FVSS directors and the guides did very rewarding.

Tony wins a nice T shirt in the adult draw, the rest of just good memories as our reward. I get to know my daughter in - law a lot better and find out she is a true fisher, good at casting, puts her own worms on etc. and as well as leaving the rest of us in the dust, catching wise anyway.

The Leaf Craft was embarrased to have us 4 so called fishers aboard and I can tell you, I can catch a chinook a lot easier on the Fraser than catch a Pike Minnow in Cultus Lake.

If I am to get more than 3 hours sleep tonight I better go to bed. Will send some photo's of the gang for Rodney to post and I will give a derby wrap on this thread tomorrow sometime.

"Next year we will do some scouting before the derby and figure out how to catch them like most of the others do" Gwyn says. I will look forward to it even though we did poorly fish wise the company was great and watch out next year we will be winners too but hey we were winners today anyway, as we "got out fishing".
« Last Edit: June 21, 2005, 05:05:07 AM by chris gadsden »

chris gadsden

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Derby results, 181 anglers caught 482 pike minnows.

Adult, Best of Seven, Keith Holdsworth, 9 pounds - 12 oz.

        Largest Wynn Steer, 1 pound - 12 ounces.

(Actually Holdsworth got the largest PM with a 2 pound 1 ounce fish but you could only win one major prize)

Junior, Best of Seven, Owen Nelson, 7 pounds - 14 ounces.

Largest, Clayton Betker, 2 pounds - 2 ounces.

Second, Hunter Halcrow, 1 pound - 14 ounces.

Third, Sheldon Thibert, 1 pound - 12 ounces.

16 tagged fish were caught. These come from a total of around 1,000 that were tagged last year Some of these tagged PM' shave also been caught by FOC staff the last while.

Clint Grey and Andrew Ross names were drawn from among the 16 enteries. They won a sturgeon trip donated by Bent Rods. Thanks for the support Rod T.

Also of note, Dave Barnes research Tech. from Cultus Lake lab told me yesterday some test they did on some caught PM's from last month saw them with Sockeye smolts up to 8 inches in their stomack. So we know now for sure these PM's are feeding on the endangered Cultus Lake Sockeye.



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What bait were u guys using? And what setup caught the most fish?

thanks. Ian ;D


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??? Anyone there that can help me out?


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What kind of float? I never catch them. No matter what I use. Please tell me.

Ian ;D



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Photos of the derby

chris gadsden

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??? Anyone there that can help me out?
As you see by my story above we had trouble catching them. I talked to a few successful anglers and in Cultus you need to find spots were the weeds meet the gravel so they say.

Worms were working well but one successful angler was using a hot dog wiener and he did well, go figure. ;D

Next year we are going to do a trial run or two and try to figure them out before the derby. It was reported one angler got 50. All we could catch was the one by Tanya. :-[

Out on the Fraser here in Chilliwack you can not keep them off. A piece of heart or other parts of the insides work well. Also my boy caught them on a fly.

With lots of action with these guys is a great fish to get kids into fishing. Enjoy.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2005, 06:16:30 PM by chris gadsden »


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  • Roe Wizzard

someone caught a 9 pound pike minnow?

chris gadsden

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someone caught a 9 pound pike minnow?
Sorry I should have explained it better there was a prize for the total weight for an anglers 7 heaviest PM's


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thats ok now i do clearly understand that there and seven weights in the process thank you for clearing that up

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