I lost my beloved husband this July. We did almost everything togeather, including fishing. We both love to get a line in the water. We had planned a chinook trip back to the Shushwap River between Enderby and Mabel Lake. We went last year and it was the best holiday I ever had....Imagine two weeks, and fishing every single day!!!! It was awesome. Gordy caught one 15 pounder and all the others were jacks, but a great time. I'm planning on going without him. It will be hard, but I'm sure he will be there in spirit, cheering me on. If anyone hears anything about the fishing in that area any reports would be greatly appreciated. We met a great bunch there last year and they go every year....I'm looking forward to seeing the same bunch again this year. Everyone was so helpful and friendly I have to fear of taking this trip myself. What can I say? I'm hooked on the sport. I'll report back after I get back...I won't be leaving till the end of the month. Hopefully the weather will cool off and the fishing will pick up. Thanks for any info you can give me.