I spent a few hours up at the top today. Started at first light and fished a few different pools. Lots of fish in the river still, water level was good and very clear! But... not one bite! Floated and used spoons but not a sniff all morning. In fact I didn't see anyone get a bit or hook up at all. They sure are picky!
Anyway, it was fairly busy, and Cable Pool was a gong show as usual.... There was a lot of room down below, so I cant understand why people would want to crowd around the rocks and fish together? Anyway, who am I to judge.... But I think its crazy heheh
As well when I was walking out there were two dumbasses fishing past the Bridge on the Hatchery side! If I am not mistaken, that is off limits!? Is there not a clear sign that says "No fishing beyond this point!" I stood and watched them for a while but they didn't bother to look my way, so I didn't say anything as I didn't want to start anything. But I went to check out the ladder (Lots o' fish) and tried to find someone who worked there to tell them about the guys fishing there, but no one was around and I wandered back to my car.
Anyway, another skunk day at the Cap! Anyone having any luck up there? What are they biting on hehe?