Hit the river at about 1pm lazy my friend that I am and weather out there was fantastic. Sunny and about 12 degrees even nice in the woods.

Water in the area I fished was slightly up from Friday which was strange with no rain but I think the snow melt bumped it a bit. My coho friends were looking considerably less active and after an hour of chucking the gold and silver Blue Foxes was thinking the day was a blow out. Changed up to an odd ball bright chartreuse #5 just before I was going to pack it in and BAM a beauty 8-9 pound doe hit it and sure enough it was a hatch.

My plans on leaving were obviously put on hold. Was using a nice new sturdy 7 foot rod with a beater of an cheap old coffee grinder I bought years ago while fishing off a warf in Florida and found out the damn thing wouldn't reel beyond a certain tension on the line. I busted off the next two which were medium red anyway and then landed another slightly darkened smaller doe about 7-8 pounds. Both fish were larger than what i had caught last week but I'm seeing far more colored fish than just last Friday. The absence of rain has meant no new fish to this backwater area and getting tougher to find the chromers. Landed one more fish before leaving which was a pink color on upper side but still quite white on the lower belly. Decided to leave it and kinda regret it as the second one after being bonked colored up far worse than the one I ended up letting go. No red in it just got darker like springs do. Anyone know why some get red and appears others get just dark??

Spoke to another guy that had fished a defferent area and sounded like he hooked into a few coho and chromers as well so get up there while the weathers good! I'll be up again earlier tomorrow with a new reel and a bunch of replacement Blue foxes for the ones lost to the trees and crappy reel. Sent my picture to Rod last Friday but never got posted so not sure how to get them up on this thing but have a shot of the two i kept if Rod can tell me if there's something else i need to do.
Tight lines everyone!