Just past on the photo to Rodney. As you can see was a little dark out by time I cleaned them. When the bite is on the guts can wait. I had the exact same day just a few days prior. Not yarnin you either guys(what good would it do seeing as I haven't met any of you anyway?). They're still there and in great shape as you can see just have to be where they're held up and a the right time. Once they're spooked they shut down. First 15 minutes of walking up on them is when you have your chance. After catching/ loosing a couple they get lock jaw. They're sight is so sensitive I'm actually thinking of going with camouflage jacket and hat next time and spray painting my bright red spinning rod some camouflage colors!!

Approach your spots with good potential very slowly it's fast movements they pick up on. Also try and cast your lure well above where they are as the splash of your lure hitting the water is enough to to shut 'em down. Hope you guys have a great & safe weekend and enjoy the sunshine!

Please everyone take a read of some important thinks to remember that I put in a recent General Discussion topic titled "Bushwhacking: Lost,Cold & Getting Dark!".
All the best!