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Author Topic: Spinning rod suggestions  (Read 12370 times)


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Re: Spinning rod suggestions
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2006, 10:59:02 PM »

If you only target for pinks and coho with the spinning method, why use the epixor EB50??

You can cast farther with a larger spool spinning reel, I don't find it to be too heavy and I already own one which I use for other applications as well.  If I find the new rod doesn't balance well with the Epixor I'll use my Syncopate 4000.  Besides it's always good to be prepared if something like this happens: 

I've never snapped a fish off with it, except for one time when I got spooled (snapped at the spool, 300 yrds of line gone in 30 seconds...)

as for a 7'- 7'1/2"  I already have a 6' for tight situations but it doesn't cast far enough and is lacking good leverage. Maximum casting distance is what I'm aiming for so anything under 9' just won't do.

So far I'm leaning towards the Clarus 9' med/light med/fast 6-12 1/4-3/4  their 9'6" model has too long of grip for my liking.  With it's limited lifetime warranty it is quite tempting.  Has anyone had experience with this type of shimano warranty?
« Last Edit: January 06, 2006, 11:00:54 PM by Eagleye »


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Re: Spinning rod suggestions
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2006, 11:30:39 PM »

 :) :)
Has nothing to do with the thread but... Woo Hoo!!! Sam's back in full force!!!

You need to post more often, Mr. Pikey!!
