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Author Topic: Sea Lions Eating Sturgeon  (Read 44376 times)


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Re: Sea Lions Eating Sturgeon
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2006, 10:13:02 PM »

Seal cull is needed no doubt the population is way to high. Its never going to happen though. Dont mix sealions with seals two different species with different poulation numbers. Sealions=Low population they arent doing great      Seals=Way to danm many cull needed :P my 0.02

Reservoir Dog

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Re: Sea Lions Eating Sturgeon
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2006, 11:01:40 PM »

Bill, your starting to look like a politician.

Google Search, Atlantic Canada Extinct Fish

Same thing will happen here, and it wont be because of the Seals, it will happen because of mankind.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2006, 01:37:56 PM by Rodney »


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Re: Sea Lions Eating Sturgeon
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2006, 09:21:00 AM »

It's true seals eats fish. But since fish population has significantly declined. Seal population density should be regulated. To restore seal population is ALOT easier compared to that of the fishery. Don't forget, seal's natural predator population has been significantly reduced too. Which means without regulating seal population the eco-cycle is not balanced.

very good points BwiBwi

Sure Bill. I love the fantasy world you live in. Lets Elminate another Species, and completly destroy the Ecosystem. Just like the rest of Mankind. As for your gear, it's replaceable, extinction is forever.

Res Dog Nobody said we should kill them to the brink of extinction.  The seal population has gotten out of control and needs to be regulated to restore a better balance and give other species (their prey) a chance to recover/grow in numbers.

The Seals dont hunt and kill just because they can, they eat everything that they kill. It is only mankind that hunts and kills just because.

They may kill for food but they don't always eat the whole prey.



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Re: Sea Lions Eating Sturgeon
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2006, 01:21:41 PM »

come on eageleye, I dont see you eating all this fish guts and bones about a head or two, eh, little bit of gill to wash down the fins :o
Just because you have a pin rod doesnt mean you know how to fish it.....

Reservoir Dog

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Re: Sea Lions Eating Sturgeon
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2006, 01:42:38 PM »

How about well kill some Fisherman, but only kill the ones that kill.
It isn't like your starving, it isn't like you can't hit a Safeway and buy what you need to survive.

Sure, our fish stocks are in decline...

Tell me, why is it that Mankind figures it's thier place to regulate which species needs to be "thined out" and which doesn't. Mothernature seems to know a heck of alot better on this than we do. BUT because we're so damn fussy, and figure that "because something isn't the way we like it, kill it"

Eagleeye, once they start, they aint likely to finish, until they're at the edge of extinction. That is the way it always happens. Mankind doens't know when to stop, until it is too late.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2006, 01:45:26 PM by Reservoir Dog »


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Re: Sea Lions Eating Sturgeon
« Reply #20 on: March 01, 2006, 04:01:37 PM »

Hey guys hears my two bits. It seams to me that probably seals and maybe in some areas sea lions populations have risen due to their protection.  However at the same time we have comercial, native and recreational fisheries on salmon and some sturgeon stocks (columbia). So why don't we regulate the seals and sea lions to. We should have some openings on the seals and sea lions if we have openings on their food also. I don't think we can have the best of both worlds. If we continue to let the seals and sea lions flourish why are we not letting the salmon and sturgean (columbia) flourish to by making them all endagered. Either we regulate all wildlife throught the entire food chain or we close it all down. I do know that in my personal experience i have lost two salmon to seals fishing in the kitimat river and in the douglas channel. The seal population their is now huge. In the douglas they even follow your boat while your trolling waiting for you to hook a fish. So i think this is becoming a north american problem not only a lower mainland/washinton problem.


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Re: Sea Lions Eating Sturgeon
« Reply #21 on: March 01, 2006, 11:24:44 PM »

hunter, i take it you are also a hunter to ? what would you do if they stopped you from hunting for your favorite animal because another animal in greater numbers was killing off your game ? all i'm trying to say is that if something is not done to protect these great fish that there will be total ban on fishing for sturgeon everywhere. I can honestly tell you that i have not killed a sturgeon since at least the early seventies. and res/dog all i can say to you is put down the water pipe take off the tied died hemp shirt and walk away from the computer !!

Bill - I assume with "hunter" you meant me so I will answer you. If another predator takes my place then that is alright too. The way I see it it's all about natural balance. Reservoir Dog is right in one aspect, most times it is man who throws all out of balance. Having said that I believe that we should step in and regulate if one species becomes threatening to another species. Therefore if seals need to be culled they should be but not for the reason that sport fisher have more fish to catch. Only if the species is in real danger. Neither I am against culling but the way you came across it sounded like -the damn seals take MY fish away and for that they should all be killed off- . You did not say that in these words but that's how it came across.
You right I am a hunter, a better hunter than a fisher, I want to change that and that is why I came here to learn. But as a hunter and beginning fisher I am a conservationist first and for me that means that sometimes I have to grit my teeth and let other animals have the fun of hunting too even if that means less game for me. In all of this, what we call nature, man is but a small part and should play by natures rules and not his own the wild things do not belong to us, you or me. We do not have the sole right to demand who can have what in nature. The grizzly has as much right to fish salmon as you do, the mountain lion has as much right to chase deer as I do.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2006, 11:33:31 PM by huntwriter »
Othmar Vohringer - Smart Hunting Strategies (SHS)


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Re: Sea Lions Eating Sturgeon
« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2006, 07:14:54 AM »

Bill ever heard the word "two wrongs dont make a right" keep that in mind in every subject you work on , because you need it. your ego over rides you knowledge to make a rational decision. you do not hold the key to the eco systems in the valley , you only impact them.
It does not matter whether R/D has been kicked off every forum in north america, he has a point and you disagree , leave it at that.dont blatantly bash some one without them standing in front of you. thats called being a coward, I can say lots of mean things to you behind your back,but i dont.
I suggest it is time you pick up  the golf clubs cause you cant handle fishing.
Just because you have a pin rod doesnt mean you know how to fish it.....


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Re: Sea Lions Eating Sturgeon
« Reply #23 on: March 02, 2006, 09:08:59 AM »

h/w  just to let you know that this dog has been kicked out of another popular fishing forum twice for his ranting and raving.....

It might be that dog has been kicked out of another popular fishing forum, I don't know and I don't care either. I just happen to agree with a point he made. In the debate he got a bit hot and you got a bit hot and then it went off topic.
It's good on you that you are member of so many organizations and really care about the fishing and hunting heritage. As for using a nickname. I don't think it has to do with hiding, it is quit common to use a nickname on the internet.
My forum name is "huntwriter" because it expresses two things I like to do which is writing and hunting, my real name, Othmar, can be seen all over the internet trough my professional activity and my websites, so I am not hiding anything. ;) Sometimes I wish I could though. :)
« Last Edit: March 02, 2006, 09:16:39 AM by huntwriter »
Othmar Vohringer - Smart Hunting Strategies (SHS)

Reservoir Dog

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Re: Sea Lions Eating Sturgeon
« Reply #24 on: March 02, 2006, 03:05:35 PM »

Bill, People on here have met me in person, and MANY know where I work. So how am I hiding?
I haven't posted since yesterday.
Yes I have been "temporarily" suspended from FBC. I have talked with the MODS and it is only Temporary. On here, I have made my point, I left it at that.

However I wont stoop to your level. I dont give a damn what you think about me. I AM ENTITLED to my Opinion.


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Re: Sea Lions Eating Sturgeon
« Reply #25 on: March 02, 2006, 03:56:53 PM »

However I wont stoop to your level. I dont give a damn what you think about me. I AM ENTITLED to my Opinion.

You are, but just have to find a more socially acceptable way to deliver it.

Quit saying that you won't stop to his level, when your post was the first one to be moderated. I suggest that you prevent yourself posting the same insults again in the future.

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