Moved one chum this morning after going for the birds that Big Fisher does not want me to talk about.

We have now saved 139 from certain death, spotted two more but water too deep yet to get at.
It has been an interesting week may try to condense the week into one journal. River this morning is of course still mud, it may be coming from Chilliwack Lake as it has colored up before . If so it will be a while before we are fishing. Going to a CRAC meeting now, will be late but wanted to check the chum first. After meeting going for some cutthroat for the brood capture program. Better get at it or Stevie O will be after me.

No time to post on Sports Chat how well the Leafs are doing.

Poor BS, TR and the boys must be having a very hard time these days. Of course FA will be owing me some floats.

To get back on topic their boys are falling as hard as the rain is outside now, I think things should be okay flood wise this time as it is fairly cold out and it will be snow in the hills. While the temperature stays that way things should be OK. Cheers.