Here's the link to the direct access of funds - you can get up to $100,000 in funding!
Direct Access
Direct Access grants provide funding to eligible non-profit organizations for direct delivery to their communities of approved, ongoing programs.
Programs must have operated for at least 12 months prior to application and must fall into one of the following five sectors:
Arts, Culture and Sport;
the Environment;
Human and Social Services;
Public Safety;
Parent Advisory Councils and District Parent Advisory Councils.
Funding to a maximum of $100,000 annually may be approved for any combination of program costs and minor capital project costs. For province-wide programs, funding to a maximum of $250,000 annually may be approved.
Only one application for a Direct Access Program grant will be accepted per government fiscal year. A separate Application for a Major Capital Project Grant may also be submitted.
Application forms may be obtained from any Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch office, any government agent’s office or may be downloaded below (Click Start Application).
In 2006/07 approximately 6,300 community organizations will receive an estimated $143.5 million in gaming grants. Community organizations will themselves raise an additional $28 million through licensed gaming events, such as ticket raffles, independent bingos, social occasion casinos and wheels of fortune.