There's an angle to this
Copper River fish that I haven't talked about much on the fishing sites maybe it's time I did.
First off Canadian companies own a lot of the fish processing plants in Alaska many plants are wholly owned/controlled by Canadian concerns.
This enables them to process/sell their product more easily in the USA-more power to them once upon a time they were getting top dollar (US$).
Now an anomaly has appeared-many more times the amount of the total Copper River run is being labeled as
Copper River-millions of fish are being marketed after the
real Copper River run is over-ever wonder why?
Money that's why!
Why sell a Skeena or Nass or Blueberry river fish for Canadian dollars when you can slap a label on it and sell it for US$ as the mythical quality product from the
C*pp*r R*v*r?
And that is just what's happening-remember there are no labeling laws that apply-call it
fish-from-the-dark-side-of-the-moon and some people will believe you and pay a lot of money for it.
It's all marketing Bee Ess and greed.