so if i was to catch and release what is the proper way of doing so?? ( for those who don't know)
i was out today and had watched a guy/girl land a fish (2ft on to the shore)
now before he/she did so that person knew it wasn't a keeper!!
and i started to talk to this person (about his methods of catch and release ) and all he had said is the fish will live!
now this fish has been out of the water for abut 3 mins and flopping around (on the rocks) plus being dragged up on the bank 2ft
so the method this guy used to release was faced fish up stream ( and guess what no movement)
then he made a pool for this fish and still no movement.
so i went doing my own business and when i came back ( 30-45 min) the guy/girl was gone but guess what he/she left (the fish)
this has happened more than once that i have seen so if any body has the knowledge share it with the one that ain't so fish smart
thank you for reading and replying