4 of us meet today with the City and Chilliwack and have worked out a proposal which we think will suit the fishing community as well the concerns of the City of Chilliwack.
The plan we have come up with now has to go to City Council for approval and once that happens we will provide the details of the changes as the City will issue a press release for all to read.
It was very upsetting to us to hear of the thousands of dollars of damage done to the two pumping stations in this area. Some people even drove a welding truck into one of them and with a cutting torch gained entry and stole wire etc.. The pumping stations which are vital to flood protection in the low lying surrounding farm land was down for several days. Others have shot up the video cameras at these sites as well.
In the meantime keep your eyes open for such illegal activity in this area. If garbage dumping, driving up and down the dyke slide slopes, going through the riparian zone with 4 by 4's and ATVs continue we may not be as fortunate next time in protecting your access to this area.
Thanks to Terry, Lew and Gwyn for their great presentations and ideas they made today, working for fisherman and other recreational users of this area.