was out on the vedder today and my confidence for springs are starting to diminish very fast. Can't seem to hook one if my life depended on it.......I have done nothing wrong from past fishing methods, baits etc but I cannot seem to get one to bite!!! Sockeye is another story and it's great to see that many in the river and actually taking our bait. How has everyone elses spring fishing been doing? I'm 0 for 6 with no bites no hook ups i've done the first light thing mid day haven't tried evenings cause I live out in coquitlam so usually home by 4 but I've tried red wool, red and black wool, 10# leaders up to 15. size 1 hooks and 1/0 hooks, and the list goes on.....
any advice would help thanx guys. Last year and previous I would have multiple hook ups in one outing and a spring everyday that I go. Are you guys finding the same, could it be that the sockeye in the vedder have actually out numbered the springs! Personally I think there are more socks in the vedder than coho last fall