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Author Topic: any carp or other fish in the Iona marshes?  (Read 2423 times)


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any carp or other fish in the Iona marshes?
« on: August 11, 2008, 08:18:33 AM »


noticed a few things making movement sub surface at Iona; south marsh i think - are there fish in there?


ps..on a side note walked along the north arm of the fraser and holy crap do power boats go by powerboat guy nearly toppled over a sailboat...crazy..



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Re: any carp or other fish in the Iona marshes?
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2008, 11:26:03 AM »

I'm afraid I don't know anything about your fish question, but on your side note,
ps..on a side note walked along the north arm of the fraser and holy crap do power boats go by powerboat guy nearly toppled over a sailboat...crazy..
I see that sort of inconsiderate power boat operation all the time, on the Fraser, Pitt, and any lake that you can operate power boats of larger size/displacement. I have often had such idiots pass very close (often less than 100ft.) while I have been fishing in my smaller boat (12ft. alum.) and even in my 16ft. 120hp runabout. The main causes of the problem appear to be a combination shear ignorance and the deep-v (large displacement) hull, often with operating the boat at a speed that generates the heaviest wake, slightly below the speed at which the hull reaches the correct planing speed (although with large displacement hulls there really isn't a speed where they don't create a large wake). When at plane my runabout (having a modified shallow-v) leaves a wake no more than 3-6 inches high, which very quickly dissipates and I always give smaller, and/or unpowered craft including sailboats, a wide berth, and when in a speed restriction zone I will throttle-down to the posted speed. With a sailboat under sail, they have the right-of-way over all craft, except when encountering a boat that is trolling or mooching, the power boat operator should have cut power significantly more than what is shown in the photo (probably to around 5-10 kph) and certainly sooner than when the picture was taken. Sort of gives another good reason for requiring people to have a Pleasure Craft Operator Card, hopefully the sailboater reported the other guy to the authorities. As for myself, I'm considering getting one of those rapid-fire paintball guns for these guys, it's just too bad the paint in the capsules isn't of a more permanent type.

Didn't mean to hijack your thread, but this is one of my pet peeves and I had to vent it.


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Re: any carp or other fish in the Iona marshes?
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2008, 12:13:52 PM »

If you are referring to the pond near the Iona beach parking lot, it is known as the outer pond by the bird watchers to distinguish it from the innner ponds in the sewage plant where they see lots of birds.    There are probably tons of sculpins (bullheads) in the outer pond.   A couple of years ago there was a fish die off in late summer and there were thousands, some quite large.   I presume not all died and they have re-populated.

If you mean the log storage pond near the road, it is open to the river and could have anything.   I have wondered about bass and carp in there but I have never seen anybody fishing.


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Re: any carp or other fish in the Iona marshes?
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2008, 10:17:58 PM »

ps..on a side note walked along the north arm of the fraser and holy crap do power boats go by powerboat guy nearly toppled over a sailboat...crazy..

Same reason some people buy huge pickups etc. To push small craft by intimidation out of the way. Satisfies the cro mag with a power chip on his shoulder. ;D
another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?