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Author Topic: WSA: NDP Policy reply: MLA, Shane Simpson  (Read 1947 times)

Little Hawk

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WSA: NDP Policy reply: MLA, Shane Simpson
« on: September 04, 2008, 07:37:11 AM »


Thought I'd share this with those of you who might be interested, or, undecided how to vote next spring.

Standing for Wild Salmon,
Terry Anderson

Wild Salmon Alliance

Howdy Shane,

Thanks for the reply to my query.

The Wild Salmon Alliance (WSA) will do all it can to get Campbell un-elected. His blatant disregard for the welfare of wild Pacific Salmon, and the rivers & streams that are their life's-blood, must be made evident to the electorate. These Great Fishes comprise much of the fabric of what it means to be a British Columbian; sadly, Campbell has lost touch with this fact, in favor of economic pursuits about as 'GREEN' as the Exon Valdez!

Yet, if the NDP wishes wishes to truly win back and consolidate its purchase in public confidence, it is my recommendation that you field players who will truly stand-up for the interests of British Columbian's & Wild Salmon and go-to-bat against the DFO as they, too, are in bed with the Norwegian fish-farmers.

Our Wild Pacific Salmon are being railroaded to extinction by policy guided by insanity and greed, as well as DFO's dismally poor bureaucratic management regime;  the WSA wants something done about it before there are no fish left for our children and our grandchildren. The Liberal's gotta'-go... whatever the cost may be!

Please do call me when you are in Victoria. I would be happy to have coffee with you and spend a few minutes discussing what the WSA can do to help get Gordy out of office.

Thanks for your time and trouble.

Standing for Wild Salmon,
Terry Anderson

Simpson.MLA, Shane wrote:
> Hi Terry:

> Thanks for the email. I believe I can answer your questions in a pretty concise manner.

> On the issue of run of the river private power we have opposed this giveaway of our rivers. We believe that power needs should be met through BC Hydro and public ownership and control. As for the question of run of the river itself there may be instances where it makes sense but it should be based on need and the public interest and not simply making money for friends of the government at the expense of communities and our habitat. To this end we have campaigned against IPPs and will continue to do so through the election and intend to make this an issue in the 2009 campaign.

> Regarding fish farms, we are proud of the work that the NDP did as the majority on the Special Legislative Committee on Sustainable Aquaculture. We put forward a wide ranging number of recommendations to government. These included a moratorium on fish farms north of Cape Caution and a transition of the industry to ocean-based closed containment commencing with a commercial pilot project and resulting in the entire industry being shifted over within 5 years. This transition would be compulsory and any farms not complying would be closed. In addition we presented a number of recommendations for interim action around fallowing and fish farm management that would significantly reduce the impacts of aquaculture on wild salmon until this transition to ocean-based closed containment was completed. It is our belief that this process would allow us to have a vibrant aquaculture industry supplying seafood to a demanding world market while ensuring the future of our wild salmon remains our first and most important priority. The BC Liberals have agreed to the moratorium north of Cape Caution but have done nothing on the other recommendations, including ocean-based closed containment. We will continue to fight for this initiative and will implement the report should we win the 2009 election.

> I hope this is sufficient. I am happy to have coffee when I am in Victoria and if you need more information please get back in touch.

> Regards, Shane   

> Shane Simpson MLA
> Vancouver Hastings

> (Community Office)
> ph: 604.775.2277  fax: 604.775.2352
> 2365 East Hastings Street
> Vancouver, BC V5L 1V6

> (Victoria Office)
> ph: 250.387.3655  fax: 250.387.4680
> Room 201
> Legislative Buildings
> Victoria, BC V8V 1X4




> -----Original Message-----
> From: Terry Anderson []
> Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 5:58 AM
> To: Simpson.MLA, Shane
> Subject: Wild Salmon Alliance: NDP Policy?

> Howdy Shane,

> As I have yet to receive a response from Carole James to the following letter, Dr. Craig Orr suggested I contact you to learn what I need to know before I engage the Wild Salmon Alliance's support to get Mrs. James elected and Campbell and the rest of his environmental rapists turfed.

> As time is of the essence, I'll copy/paste and forward the letter to you herein.

> Thanks for your time and trouble.

> Cheers,
> Terry Anderson

> Message follows:

> Howdy Carole,

> My name is Terry Anderson. I am a father of two - self employed carpenter - and also a sport fisherman who lives here in Victoria.
> On Jan. 1/08, due to my intense frustration and disgust with the Campbell governments' policy on open net-pen fishfarms here on our coast, I initiated the organization of BC's sportfishing community against both the Provincial and Federal (DFO) to try to abolish this terrible industry from our precious waterways.

> We are called the Wild Salmon Alliance (WSA) (
> and our growing membership includes passionate and concerned folks from all walks of life, from Victoria to Halifax, from Florida to California.

> I have been busy doing what I can - letter's to the Premier, Prime Minister etc. - to try to help restore some common sense back into Wild Salmon resource management/rehabilitation. Yet, in general, our (the
> WSA's) cries continue to fall on the deaf-ears of the Campbell autocrats.

> Here's a newspaper editorial I wrote a while back that was published in both the Times Colonist & the Vancouver Sun that pretty much summarizes my sentiments on the issue:


> The reason I am writing you today, Carole, is that I would like to learn what the NDP's policy is on two very important issues before I commence endorsing you and the NDP and engage the WSA to help you win the next election.

> If possible I would like to meet with you for a coffee - somewhere here in Victoria that you are comfortable with - to discuss the following
> issues:

> A) The NDP's policy on Public Power vs. Campbell's proposed rape of our rivers and privatization of the hydro-industry?
>     Visit - - for more info on what I'm talking about here.

> B) The NDP's policy on open net-pen fishfarms on our coastline?

> The election is coming soon and I for one would like to see Campbell stopped in his tracks.

> I hope you are able to reply to this query soon.

> Thanks for your time and trouble.

> /Standing for Wild Salmon, /
> Terry Anderson