I was working late last night (11:00) helping clients get refinanced and was too tired to head out to the river this morning so...
turned on the tube while eating breakfast and caught the Fish'n'Canada program - WOW !!
KUDOS to Vic Carrao and STS Guiding. They did an awesome job of showing Canada what at least one segment of our sport is all about here and have likely attracted the attention of many tourist fishers throughout the country and likely the U.S. as well. More than just Vic's business will benefit from this! Those who come here to fish because of that show will add much needed income to our local economy through the economic crunch we're about to experience. They will be visiting and spending at many businesses from YVR to Hope.
The program got me to thinking that: "WE" could use the opportunities provided by shows like that to make OUR case for protecting and enhancing our fish stocks. A good percentage of the individuals who can afford to travel here and engage in this sport are people of influence in their respective businesses and communities, and their circle of friends are usually of similar social stature.
I have some thoughts, but don't want to influence your thinking at this point. I'd really like to read YOUR ideas of how we can build on this great starting point that Vic and STS have given us.
You guys and gals are all pretty creative when it comes to ways to fish a pool, or cure roe - lets put that creativity and time into making this BC Sport Fishery better. After all, you'll put hours, even a whole day into curing a batch of roe, and some of us will spend 1/2 a day fishing thorough a run with no results (other than the obvious enjoyment of getting out of our home/work rut).
Are you willing to put some of that patience and creativity into making our fishery situation better so that you can actually go home with fish more often???
Anxious to read your positive responses!