Pretty soon people are not only gonna be fishing for the fun of it but to put food on the table! Fancy that!
Not true. Its costs more to catch fish than to buy them. Think of your gas bill and time. That time could have been used looking for a job or getting training to get another career. Looking for a job is a full time job in itself.
Actually, it depends on where you live.. I live right on the Fraser, and during salmon season only need to go a few hundred yards to either fish or launch the boat.. and then only run the boat another few hundred yards to great fishing. Even a limit of coho in the fall at the cost per pound more than pays for my $10 in gas for the day(we won't dare mention the days where I get blanked though lol!!). The gear is already paid for, and the lisence merely an entertainment fee.. much like green fees, but it's good for the whole year!
So, you see, it IS an economic choice in these tough times for us anglers to put meat on the table.. at least that's what I tell my wife, and I'm sticking to it!