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Author Topic: before you vote watch this.  (Read 9922 times)


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Re: before you vote watch this.
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2009, 07:52:54 PM »

And after they sold us down the river in back room deals, we get more endless court cases like after the raid on the legislation for BC Rail.
another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?

brood dude

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everyone should have a look!
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2009, 09:11:56 AM »

 i dont know myself how much of this is fact or fiction , but it is very interesting.

( sorry if someone else already posted this)
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Re: everyone should have a look!
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2009, 09:32:30 AM »

Wow!!!! Thats all i have to say.. >:(


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Great new Pro-Wild-Salmon video
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2009, 11:55:26 AM »

I don't want this to be a message for or against any particular party.  I also did not want to edit Alexandra's message too much so I have presented it much as I rececived it.  The key item here is the new video.

Please watch it - Learn from it - and decide what YOU are  going to DO.

Hello All,

Here in British Columbia we are in the last two weeks of electing a Provincial government and this will have critical affect on wild salmon due to privatization of rivers and ocean spaces, even schools of fish.  Many of you received responses from the BC government currently in power, the “Liberals,” headed by Premier Gordon Campbell.  They said the BC government is not allowed to intervene in the Appeal of the Constitutional Challenge I won regarding fish farms. This is not correct they do have this power. I have written a response on the website  It is becoming very clear that while the current  BC government has allowed the salmon feedlots to expand despite the science, public outcry and impact on rural economies they realize they are a political liability and thus are making every effort to distance themselves from the industry.

There are simple answers to this mess which now threatens the entire eastern Pacific and the BC economy.  Aquaculture is not the problem, the problem is lack of political will.  Alaskan salmon have political will on their side and they are thriving

For those of you in B.C.  please view this film below and vote.  The existence of wild salmon depends very much on this election.

If we want wild salmon we all need to act now.

Alexandra Morton
"What are YOU going to DO about the salmon crisis?"


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Save our bc coast ! ! !
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2009, 11:58:29 PM »

Hey It is almost that time to vote again and I was told by a friend to check out this clip on you tube he knows that i am passionate about fishing and we are all concerned about out waters and our future of fishing maybe this clip will make you rethink who you are voting for


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Re: before you vote watch this.
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2009, 12:04:53 AM »

sorry for the repost of the same link. I posted before checking out the fourm


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Re: before you vote watch this.
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2009, 06:30:11 PM »

Typical NDP lies. I am not a liberal but worse than that are the NDP. I wouldn't touch that Carol James with a 10-foot pool. Voting NDP means less conservation. It's not perfect now but a lot better then when the NDP run this province into the ground and no doubt would do it again if given a chance. People seem to have a very short memory.

Read this and think!

From the Liberal Campaign Office:

We have always known the NDP cannot be trusted but they have reached a new low with the disgusting, irresponsible email they are sending around about BC’s rivers. You deserve to know the truth, so read on!

The NDP and their lobbyist Rafe Mair are asking us to believe that the Government of British Columbia would actually sell our rivers to the United States. The only fantastic conspiracy they haven’t asked us to believe is that aliens have captured the Premier and forced him to sign a secret deal with President Obama.

The TRUE secret is that run of the river power projects were started by the NDP and 17 of the existing 32 projects in BC were approved by the hypocritical NDP.

Under the NDP, companies had water leases forever. It was the BC Liberal Government that changed the legislation to only 40 years maximum. THE NDP ARE LYING.

4 NDP candidates have now disavowed themselves from the NDP campaign position on IPP’s. The Smithers NDP candidate won’t even put up Carole James posters, he’s so embarrassed. All NDP candidates know run of the river electricity is green and safe.

The BC Liberals have committed to making BC electricity self-sufficient, stop importing dirty electricity and use green power to do it. The NDP used to be a party that believed in the environment. TODAY THE NDP ARE SELLING WHAT REMAINS OF THEIR PRINCIPLE FOR VOTES.

Here is what prominent environmentalists are saying about IPP’s…

“Properly regulated Run of the River projects can be some of the least environmentally obtrusive forms of electricity production. The public discourse has been hijacked through greenwashing by those opposed to the privatization of energy and the potential impact on union jobs.”
Andrew Weaver
Professor, School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria
Lead author on the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Times Colonist, Apr 16/09

"Why would a conservation organization do that (establish a new fund to finance independent power projects)? Because we believe the need for renewables is very much among us, and very present. We believe that IPPs are worth doing."
Ian Gill, President
Ecotrust Canada
Vancouver Sun, Apr 8/09

“To say that all run-of-river projects destroy rivers and are not ‘green’ is absurd. I’ve been up to Toba/Montrose with the Klahoose. I’ve seen how Plutonic’s operations are reopening tributaries and cleaning up the mess of crushed culverts and downed bridges that logging left behind”.
Tzeporah Berman,
Mar 19/09


There are 1,100 British Columbians earning their living from IPP’s. The incompetent NDP are threatening a moratorium. That’s their response to everything, put a moratorium on it! To hell with jobs and real people.

Every British Columbian deserves to see the desperation and cynicism of Carole James and her band of idiots. They insult us with their ridiculous claims. Remember when those scams from Nigeria first came out a few years back? This is the NDP with another Nigerian scam. Don’t be one of their victims!

Here are the facts:

* Of the 290,000 rivers and streams in BC, Independent Power Projects (IPP’s) are proposed for only 0.03% of those rivers.
* Of 35 approved Run of the River projects in BC today, 17 were approved by the hypocritical NDP in the 1990’s.
* The NDP actively promoted this form of green power when in government.
* The Crown owns all rivers and will own them forever.
* The BC Liberal government changed legislation to reduce the length of water leases to 40 years. Under the NDP, these leases lasted forever.
* When a water lease expires, there are no rights to transfer the permit – it reverts to the Crown.
* The BC Liberal government passed legislation preventing the sale or privatization of BC Hydro. The NDP voted against it.
* BC Hydro is investing $9 billion in expanding and creating new public power assets.
* The NDP considered selling BC Hydro in the 1990’s. The BC Liberal government has never considered it.
* Today BC buys dirty power from Alberta and the USA. The NDP supports that.
* The BC Liberal government wants BC to be electricity self-sufficient and they want that power to come from green sources.
* BC already has some of the lowest electricity prices in North America and that will not change.
* The reckless and irresponsible NDP moratorium on green power projects will hurt working families and cost BC thousands of jobs.

Othmar Vohringer - Smart Hunting Strategies (SHS)


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Re: before you vote watch this.
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2009, 09:19:28 PM »

Huntwriter i couldn't have said it better myself  ;)

salmon river

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Re: before you vote watch this.
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2009, 02:33:01 AM »

Read this and think!

From the Liberal Campaign Office:

If it comers from the Liberals it must be true then... ::) Just like BC rail was not going to be sold either...


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Re: before you vote watch this.
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2009, 09:36:26 PM »

In the last eight years has the fishing improved or have the numbers of fish decreased. Do you want the numbers to continue to decline? If you don't care vote Liberal.


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Re: before you vote watch this.
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2009, 09:41:07 PM »

Read this and think!

From the Liberal Campaign Office:

If it comers from the Liberals it must be true then... ::) Just like BC rail was not going to be sold either...

How is it different than that of that video which is telling you to vote NDP, not Green not Liberal? So by what your saying only what the NDP says is true? LMAO!!! The both lie and neither one of them are going to save the rivers or salmon so I will vote with who I think will benefit my family and I....


Its been on the decline more than 8 years.......

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Re: before you vote watch this.
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2009, 09:50:17 PM »

I bet the percentage of decline in the last eight years greatly outnumbers the percentage of decline in the ten years prior.