Spent the past weekend fly-fishing on Thompson (Spences Bridge area). Great trout fishing on a dry fly - almost anything floating which is big and fluffy, fish are not toooo selective during this time of the year, but I found out that the summer fishing is at is best when the pressure (weather) is stable or rising and hot sunny day. Landed about 15 beauties (20-22 inches). Fish appear a little bit skinnier than during previous years, most likley due to weak salmon runs in the system over past two years (not enough eggs, row, fry, smolts, dead salmon...).
Martel access and beach is closed by Cook's Ferry Indian band due to their recent dispute with DFO over fishing on Thompson (Thompson is closed here for salmon fishing). So if you are planning to stay, fish or launch your jet-boat/pontoon here, you have to find another location. You can stay overnight at Goldpan campsite (trains & road traffic) or a private campsite by the local fruit market close to Martel - quiet, no trains (the same price $15/night for a tent or $20/camper).
CN Rail is also more and more enforcing the "non-trepassing" over their property , so the walk-in fishing access to the river around Spences Bridge is getting more and more difficult. Soon, a boat/pontoon will be necessary to fish the river there ( = no land access).
Otherwise, beautiful relaxing weekend !