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Author Topic: Ucluelet, September 8th & 9th 2009: Ukee offshore  (Read 1507 times)


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Ucluelet, September 8th & 9th 2009: Ukee offshore
« on: September 10, 2009, 08:14:02 AM »

Was out day before yest. From the reports from the other guides, and what we saw, the larger mature springs have gotten mighty thin on the ground. Still a few about, but you really have to hunt for them!

Halibut were and are still there in great numbers! We limited the boat in less than an hour, top weights running in at 45 and high thirties, with the balance from there down to mid-twenties.  :)

The REAL draw is the coho! man, they are THICK and HUGE!  :o
So many about that we didn't bother with dummy flashers, simply large spoons (Hammered 1/2 brass 1/2 chrome 7" Wonders were awesome!) drug at 35 and 45 feet, with another of the same as a surface rod. Hooked to many to count, and landed something over 50 in the time we put in on them. The surface rod was as fast or faster than anything else, and the battles were downright epic! Largest we brought home was just over 22 pounds, and quite the handful of wildies released that were even larger! AWESOME!  ;D

Still a LOT of FUN to be had out there Folks! If you like wearing a PermaGrin, now is the time to get out there if you can!  ;D



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Re: Ucluelet, September 8th & 9th 2009: Ukee offshore
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2009, 08:51:59 AM »

I was there a few weeks ago for a work trip and was amazed at how aggressive the coho were. We would catch a fish and while dealing with it, put the rod back in the holder with the lure & flasher surfing ~ 15 feet behind the boat, and Coho were attacking the lure. We caught several more that way. Cool sight. Fishing there messed with my perspective.


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Re: Ucluelet, September 8th & 9th 2009: Ukee offshore
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2009, 12:32:31 PM »

Back offshore for the Final Run tomorrow. Kinda feels strange to be putting the Old Gal to bed after that. But is has been one hell of an excellent season, and one I will fondly recall for a great many years!

Letcha know what I see out there...



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Re: Ucluelet, September 8th & 9th 2009: Ukee offshore
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2009, 01:56:55 PM »

Yesterday was the Final Run for me in this year's charter season. Felt kinda funny running out to The Banks for what I knew was to be the last time this year. Mixed emotions swam through me as we roared out, a kind of relief that the season was finally coming to and end and so the slowing of those 4:30 am wakings. That was mixed of course with a wistful feeling of resentment that the end was now here. I very much Love the Mistress Pacific, and to share that with so many Fine Folks I consider a blessing in my life. And of course I knew that within but a few days, I would be feeling adrift and missing that part of my life...

The sea was somewhat choppy, but the Old Gal handles that well, and soon we landed somewhat better than 20 miles off the rocks. Dropping the halibut gear, we made one sweep over an area I had visited with great success just a few short days ago. To my surprise, there wasn't a single take on that drift? So, we moved but a quarter mile, and ran the gear down to the mud again. This drift we found them, and in short order a triple header ensued. We muffed one of those, but landed two nice ones, and so set up the drift again. Over the next three drifts, we landed a couple more, and lost three more - including one LARGE that sheared through the 100 pound test leader boat-side as if it were mere thread! Would have liked to have put the scales on that one!! Then it died off. So, I idled up to a Buddy to check how he was doing close by - slow was the word.

We ran a little better than a mile to another spot I know, and realized instant gratification! Two rods going, and one REALLY fighting HARD! Sweet! The first was swung onboard with little problem, but the strong fighter kept peeling line out at a rate that ensured he was going to be in it for the long run! After 20 minutes, I could finally see the gear was getting closer, then to my startled eyes I saw something I had trouble comprehending? A mass of TENTACLES in a starburst formation, followed by a long purple brown torpedo of a body! WTH!!! A HUMBOLT I screamed! Too Cool! On the surface this monstrosity fired jet after jet of water at the boat and his tormentors, fierce hosings that we quickly ducked! Then, a quick swipe and swing of the gaff, and he was in the boat with us! Panic amongst my crew when they saw the massive parrot beak, and the tentacles flared and grabbing!! A rather formidable display, and it was with real caution that I hoisted him into the cooler of salt ice! The balance of the time we were on that spot was spent more staring at the weird beastie than watching the lines, and we missed three good strikes as a consequence. But finally the last halibut engulfed the offering, and was successfully battled to the boat to join his companions in the coffin.

We then switched to targeting coho, running the Steep Edge of the Big Bank. Loads of birds, loads of bait, but seemingly nothing in the way of salmon. Another Buddy called just then, suggesting he had found a few outside of the South Bank, so we roared off and soon settled in beside him. There were a few there, and shortly a couple were welcomed to our little party. Running out of time, I wistfully set the course through the dense fog towards the harbor...

As we ran in, I reflected on what has been one of the better seasons I have seen out there. Beginning in late May, large fish (30 plus) showed, and these Great Battlers stayed with us right through into the 3rd week of August in great numbers! The halibut started slowish, but became constant and reliable as the season progressed, and in fact are still out there in good numbers. And the coho! My oh my!! This is amongst the best showing of Large coho I have had the pleasure to witness! They arrived quite early, and in sizes unheard of! And although they are starting to get a little thin on the ground now, methinks their very size and health bodes right well for our fisheries down the road!  ;D

And of course there were the Fine Folks who came along to fish with me this year! By and large a GREAT group of people, generally it was a real pleasure to have them aboard, and watch their eyes glaze with excitement and wonder at the many battles and other sights The Mistress offered up. To these Folks: I Salute you! You truly made an excellent year even better!   ;)
And of course you are all welcome back! You made my year, and I do hope we can all get together again next for some more West Coast FUN!   ;D

It was again with mixed emotions that I packed my gear into the truck for the last time. Sad it is over, but also excited about the impending hunting season and the many exciting times that will offer...

The Humbolt now awaits the next gathering of the Port Alberni Diners Club (gonna stuff it with mixed prawns, crab, halibut, rice and cream cheese!!). The gear is now safely stored, and I am left with but many fond memories of a season that passed far too quickly! For now, that chapter is again closed. But as time passes so bloody quickly these days, I know it won't be all that long when I am once again running to the welcoming arms of The Mistress, again in search of FUN and Excitement! Do hope some of you can get out with me down the road to experience the majesty this area offers!!


PS: Once I get the pictures downloaded, I'll post a few of the giant squid, and a handful of those Happy folks who came along bearing those Awesome GRINS!  ;D


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Re: Ucluelet, September 8th & 9th 2009: Ukee offshore
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2009, 03:30:38 PM »

Mr. Squidly:

Stuffed with a mix of prawns, halibut, crab, rice & philly, he was AWESOME grits last night!  ;D

Tight Lines!


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Re: Ucluelet, September 8th & 9th 2009: Ukee offshore
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2009, 04:04:03 PM »

Mr. Squidly:

Stuffed with a mix of prawns, halibut, crab, rice & philly, he was AWESOME grits last night!  ;D

Tight Lines!

Nice accidental catch Mr. IronNoggin!WOW!how much did that thing weight? Did you bake it in the oven?