how do u figure this? carp dont eat everything that moves.
For starters, in europe, where carp was first introduced, there is a long history of waterways rendered inhabitable for native species (mainly salmonids) This occurs when carp feed, which happens to be most of the time. Carp burrow their bodies in muddy layers of water basins in order to stir up vertebra that might be inhabiting beneath stones, mud or rotting vegetation. By doing so, water quality is hindered as is the amount of oxygen within that waterway. BTW this also causes an ecological 'snowball effect' (ie. increasing rates of algae blooms and vegetation ect).
Conversely, Bass in Eastern Canada have been co-habitating with salmonids since fish began to swim. Although much of the largemouth population has been introduced, there isnt any real tangible research, evidence or empirical affect proving that a negative correlation between Salmonid and Bass species....(If there is please post it....and Im not talking about a local news story or a generic post)
Im not advocating the introduction of a foreign species by any means ,, just trying to alert people that there are greater dangers out there and also that nature has an ability to adpat to new introduced species....