Day 1:
We arrived at the lake at 7 am. The weather was perfect so we decided to head out right away. We started out trolling wedding bands with worms and flies with no avail so we anchored and started casting, nothing. I decided to twitch my presentation so I cast out and started to twitch. Twitch, twitch BAM! The fish jumped a few feet in the air right away. Then it went for a nice run. I tried to net him the first time and missed, another try and hes in the net. The stomach sample had LOTS of scuds.
Next cast I did the same thing and BAM! This fish jumped several times before I got her in the net. Throat sample showed lots of scuds and a few chironies.

After that the clouds started to move in and it started to get really cold so we headed back to camp. I tied up a few flies and before I knew it the weather was nice again. We went out and started trolling, nothing. We went to one spot and the fish were jumping all around us. My dad was filming the fish jumping behind me, as he was doing that I was twitching my rod and hooked up to a fish. He took two giant leaps and a good run. I missed him five times with the net then finally got him in. This guy had some scuds and a few blood worms.

It was getting dark and cold so we went back to camp. It was a long and COLD night but I managed to get a few hours in.
Day 2:
The weather was perfect when we got up so we headed out. We started off trolling and nothing again. We anchored at the same spot as yesterday evening and nothing. My dad wanted to start trolling again and I said no we will never catch anything (because of the previous results). I said we should try another spot and he agreed but said we have to troll on the way there. I said fine. We lifted anchor and started to go. I wasn't paying attention to the rods because I didn't think anthing was going to happen. I was running my had through the water when the rod almost flew out of the boat. I grabbed it at the last second and set the hook. This fish took out almost all of my line. I started to bring him in but he went for another long run. After a few minutes I brang him close to the boat. He was much bigger than I previously thought. My dad scooped him in the net. When I weighed him he was just over 5 pounds.

After that excitement we went over the same spot. Within two minutes I had a good solid hit but missed him. Five minutes after that my dads rod goes off. It took a few jumps and he brang him in. He was a smaller fish but better than nothing.
Our trip ended there. We packed up and went home. All in all it was a great trip and a great way to spend time with my dad.
Tight Lines,