I'm sitting in the lobby of the Northern Rockies Lodge in Muncho Lake. All I can say is WOW! I've done one fly in to fish at Obo Lake and was the fishing FANTASTIC! With no public access except by float plane and absolutely unspoiled wilderness, the beauty of the area is amazing and the fishing beyond comparison, I've found a new favourite place. Just the wildlife is enough to make the trip for. Tomorrow, I'm going out again to another location and rumour has it I won't be disappointed. I've seen a herd of buffalo, bears, stone sheep, a mountain goat and a whole bunch of others beasts. With sunset around 11:30 and sunrise around 3, there's lots of fishing to be done. Here's a few pics (no fish yet- I left my camera on the plane first day out)
Stone sheep - This momma was at a mineral lick, quite a ways from us, but she was as curious about as we were about her. It's amazing how fast these animals can leap around shear cliffs.
A wolf track- never saw him, but what a set of feet.
The sunset- at 11:30
A secluded lake from a few thousand feet- sorry about the strut and float, but....