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Author Topic: Grad Party In The Chilliwack River Valley Once Again, Disturbing.  (Read 42172 times)

chris gadsden

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Re: Grad Party In The Chilliwack River Valley Once Again, Disturbing.
« Reply #61 on: June 22, 2010, 10:12:21 PM »

Good article Chris. Its really too bad that the minority ruin things for the majority. My biggest problem is why? What compels people to just throw their garbage around? These people are not stupid they are just ignorant. You cant fine those that are not caught in the act. OK I get that. Cant anything else be done? A park wont help. These people are those who dont want to follow any rules. They are going to go somewhere so if you push the boundary like the article says they will just go further up. Their is no easy answer. A sting operation is not a bad idea. They could do it on the long weekends and grad weekends. The problem is staffing it. It all comes down to $$$$$.

I say dump the garbage on these peoples doorsteps!!!!

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chris gadsden

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Re: Grad Party In The Chilliwack River Valley Once Again, Disturbing.
« Reply #62 on: June 22, 2010, 11:44:01 PM »

A note I sent to the school this evening.
For your information, this article and picture in the Chilliwack Progress was sparked by the Grad party from your school that occured a couple of weeks ago in the Cedar's area of the Chilliwack River. Of course it is not just grad parties from several different schools at this time of year that invade the Chilliwack River Valley but many other careless and unthoughful users of this gem of a recreational area in the Chilliwack area. Please feel free to forward to any other schools in your area that may wish to discuss this situation with their students in the years ahead in the hope they will be more responsible in looking after our environment. Please check out the CVRCC web site at for the work we do. Maybe some of your students may wish to attend our cleanup that are listed on our web site.

Kindest regards,

Chris Gadsden
Chilliwack Vedder River Cleanup Coalition Director


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Re: Grad Party In The Chilliwack River Valley Once Again, Disturbing.
« Reply #63 on: June 25, 2010, 06:11:00 PM »

Pretty much everything comes down to money to control issues.
Money would not be a problem if the imposed fines large enough and to some point what ever they have with them all the way to their vehicles.  That would solve the problem right there in my opinion.  Eighteen year old looses dady's $50,000.00 truck while returning from a camping trip.  That would be an awesome headline in the paper.
Same goes for CO's on the river.  I would gladly pay doulbe or triple if everytime I fished the fraser I was checked for licenses and what fish I had on the boat.  If breaking the laws take everything I had.  That would stop fishing violations as well.
Problem solved..
Are you fishin or catchin

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Re: Grad Party In The Chilliwack River Valley Once Again, Disturbing.
« Reply #64 on: June 28, 2010, 05:04:42 PM »

Lately I have been doing work at ford mountain prison and talked to one of the guards Ed Cambell and he said he would be happy to send some cons up there to help out with the clean up as it is part of keeping a good relationship with the community .I figure send them up early on a sunday morning,those partiers waking up to abunch of red coats and armed guards will probably clean up there own mess real quick.Just ask for  Don Tosh or Ed cambell and  they should help you out.

chris gadsden

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Re: Grad Party In The Chilliwack River Valley Once Again, Disturbing.
« Reply #65 on: July 02, 2010, 07:44:11 PM »

Lately I have been doing work at ford mountain prison and talked to one of the guards Ed Cambell and he said he would be happy to send some cons up there to help out with the clean up as it is part of keeping a good relationship with the community .I figure send them up early on a sunday morning,those partiers waking up to abunch of red coats and armed guards will probably clean up there own mess real quick.Just ask for  Don Tosh or Ed cambell and  they should help you out.
Thanks very much, they used to do cleanups but no sure because of funding cuts they stopped doing them. If you see them again ask them to go into the Middle Creek Road area just across from the prison, and before the bridge. Also they can go into the Bench Road area and the road up to Foley Lake, they wil find enough to keep them busy after a long weekend. I think it is best they take the iniative themselves to do this as they can go when they have time to organize it. Also one thing less for me to try to do, fishing time now. ;D ;D

Matt B.

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Re: Grad Party In The Chilliwack River Valley Once Again, Disturbing.
« Reply #66 on: July 14, 2010, 10:50:34 AM »

Well let me say thanks for keeping BC clean, if your gonna party out there atleast clean it up!


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Re: Grad Party In The Chilliwack River Valley Once Again, Disturbing.
« Reply #67 on: July 18, 2010, 11:51:20 AM »

I f you want this to stop meet with the local RCMP office and lobby them to do more road checks. The word will get out and the Grad Parties will dry up.


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Re: Grad Party In The Chilliwack River Valley Once Again, Disturbing.
« Reply #68 on: July 18, 2010, 04:53:35 PM »

good on you guys for cleaning up somebody else mess.


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Re: Grad Party In The Chilliwack River Valley Once Again, Disturbing.
« Reply #70 on: July 20, 2010, 11:30:02 AM »

This is a good opportunity to remind all that the second 2010 Vedder River clean-up will take place on this Saturday. People can sign in at the Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve between 8:30 and 9:30am. Volunteers will then be assigned to a particular section of the river. The clean-up usually finishes around Noon. If you are heading to the river at first light to do some chinook salmon fishing, this is an opportunity to help out the river for a few hours.


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Re: Grad Party In The Chilliwack River Valley Once Again, Disturbing.
« Reply #71 on: July 24, 2010, 09:56:56 PM »

I can understand the need for grad parties but why not have some regulations set up.How about the need for a permit?Make it so that  outhouses and portable dumpsters are  supplied by the grad classes and  have a cleanup commitee set up to make that no mess is left behind.If the regs are not followed then a hefty fine levied against the grads.