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Author Topic: Careful on the water or whatever your activity...  (Read 5928 times)


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Re: Careful on the water or whatever your activity...
« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2010, 01:12:55 PM »

Some guys told me they watched the fireworks once then came back with their small 13-16 ft boat????....past UBC...past the airport...around Sandheads then up the Fraser R. to Steveston Harbour IN THE DARK with no electronics...aiding them.

arimaBOATER, I have read some of your posts and I have boated much the same waters of the Fraser as you. I too have had close calls even with good boating skills and good conditions. You can NEVER be TOO careful! Some people are just asking for trouble.


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Re: Careful on the water or whatever your activity...
« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2010, 09:14:19 PM »

gofishon if ya have done alot of boating in the lower Fraser...New Westminster to Sandheads (river mouth) ya know how moody the river can get. Fast currents ...then big swells in a swift tide change or high winds etc..
Add in the logs,deadheads & snags...
Read in The Richmond Review newspaper (freebie dropped at our door) an article that said that around 10pm the RCMP recieved a report of a boat in distress on the North Arm of the Fraser River just west of McDonald Beach (near the airport)...anyways what happened a speedboat hit a log...boat nearly sank...two people on board had injuries...
If it happened close to 10 pm there was not no much sunlight left that's for sure.

But ya was in 5.5-6ft waves on the south side of the Fraser across from Steveston Harbour enterence...coming in tide...lots of current & very heavy wind...right recipe for big waves on that side of the river.
More current there as there's a bend in the river to the east from there plus extra water flow coming down the side channel next to Westham Island.
---Heard there was a veicle(s) accident on the #1 past Revelstoke(people killed) & also up north  a driver is killed after hitting a moose on the road.
Mattyo told of a boater killed on the Okanagan Lake.
 Careful everyone. :o


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Re: Careful on the water or whatever your activity...
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2010, 12:04:56 AM »

Have you had an encounter with the evil prop eating cedar bark? Not much fun leaning over the transom untangling a 6 inch X 5 foot chunk of cedar bark from a prop. That stuff is everywhere in the Fraser (more so in the North Arm) and is invisible as it hides under the surface waiting to pounce on some unsuspecting boater. Be prepared!


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Re: Careful on the water or whatever your activity...
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2010, 02:27:45 PM »

gofishon Yes have seen that bark in the water....fortunately haven't had to unwrap the stuff off the prop...had the stuff hooked on the kicker shaft but with an oar jush pushed it off.

Did though have fishing line wrapped around a prop but I shut off the outboard quickly. Still alot of line had to be removed as I was in a weird postion reaching out to do the fix...way out near the south lighthouse at the mouth of the Fraser.
Also in that area 3 x we had our lines hook on to a crab trap float. Two times I got all gear back....once lost part of the gear...also lost all gear !!! Terrible feeling.
Watch out for those 4 snags in the channel just south of CAPTIAN'S COVE...the channel that goes to where the floating houses are located. (if ya go that way) They are right located in the middle too !!!
Hope some boater does not hit them as it may be dusk & not too much sunlight left.


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Re: Careful on the water or whatever your activity...
« Reply #19 on: August 04, 2010, 07:20:58 PM »

Did I hear the news tonight right ( was not paying 100% attention to Global 6pm news ) that a man drowned in the Chilliwack River today? There were people trying to rescue him but he was swept away as his waders filled with water. Please be careful! There has been an unusually large number of drownings this year across Canada.


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Re: Careful on the water or whatever your activity...
« Reply #20 on: August 04, 2010, 08:13:23 PM »

Also on the news there is a search on for 3 fishermen and a guide missing out of Winter harbour N.West tip of Vancouver Island. They were in a 6 metre aluminum boat on Aug.3, 2010. The search has been hampered by foggy conditions. Lets hope ( and pray ) for the best.