Matt, sucks to hear about the seal, not a good thing. Just a response on your statement on why people dont normally discus smaller systems like the Seymour on Forums like this... have you ever been to the Vedder or Chehalis the day after someone posts a glory shot of their success on a lesser known run? That run goes from receiving little pressure to being a gong show like the KWB overnight! The fact is people are lazy and a HUGE number of people lurk on these forums waiting for that picture or report of someone else's success through their own hard work, they look for the easy way to get into fish and turn that great run or small system that you have worked hard to find and turn it into a meat hole. I dont get my feathers too ruffled when people post general info on systems like the Seymour/Norrish/Alouette/Coquihalla ect that is what this forum is for... what fish are in the river what time of year ect... the problem is when people post a pic or report with a 12 lb chrome Choho/Stealhead then every idiot on the internet is at that system the next day hammering that small river trying to imitate your success, the Vedder can take that pressure, not a smaller system, it will destroy it...careful what you post, and save the glory shots of that chrome steelhead from that small river for you wall! This is not a shot at you at all Matt... just clarifying why people dont post much from your last post... see you at the Hatchery!