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Author Topic: Question about Chums swimming in 8 inches of water  (Read 6505 times)


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Re: Question about Chums swimming in 8 inches of water
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2010, 07:14:29 PM »

Once came across 100's of large trout trapped in puddles of an outflow ditch/creek on the south end of 10 Mile Lake in BC.
The outflow was to a trickle because beaver had a dam right at the lake thus all these 100's of fish were trapped in these small ponds in the ditch/creek.
Decided to help the fish get back into the lake so I started ripping apart the beaver dam. Talk about HARD WORK as the sticks were so thick & jammed up. Remember I worked non stop aprox 2 hrs ripping away at the dam.
Lots of water started to flow so off I went...
Was TOTALLY SHOCKED when I found the whole dam was once again in place the following day.
Those beaver must of worked very very hard during the night. No way was I going to waste my time to rip it apart the 2nd time.

As far as those chums in puddles 20 ft from the's amazing that during a heavy rainfall how large these side creeks get...then after the rain stops they become small again. These chums got to those puddle locations when there was a big flow of water...& got trapped after the rain stopped.  Ever see salmon on the news where they are swimming on flooded roadways or on people's front lawns after a heavy downpour & flooding ???
Nature is always surprizing & unpredictable.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2010, 07:17:26 PM by arimaBOATER »


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Re: Question about Chums swimming in 8 inches of water
« Reply #16 on: November 10, 2010, 08:52:56 AM »

Ive seen Chum jumping in a flooded field .I guess the river flowed over an some fish went over the banks and into the field . I 'm thinking those were productive fields the next season! :D


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Re: Question about Chums swimming in 8 inches of water
« Reply #17 on: November 10, 2010, 09:18:17 AM »

arimaBOATER> Studies have shown Beaver dams help rather than hinder Salmon & Trouts.  Migratory fish find ways upstream, smolts benefits from the pond habitats. Though your intention was good the result was more damaging than helpful. Good thing the busy beavers undid that  damage. Best way to help is to leave nature alone, our best intentions have lead to too many disasters.


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Re: Question about Chums swimming in 8 inches of water
« Reply #18 on: November 10, 2010, 01:24:37 PM »

arimaBOATERnull Studies have shown Beaver dams help rather than hinder Salmon null Trouts.  Migratory fish find ways upstream, smolts benefits from the pond habitats. Though your intention was good the result was more damaging than helpful. Good thing the busy beavers undid that  damage. Best way to help is to leave nature alone, our best intentions have lead to too many disasters.
Care to share these studies. Or maybe a link to them??


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Re: Question about Chums swimming in 8 inches of water
« Reply #19 on: November 10, 2010, 05:25:38 PM »

Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
January, Vol. 55, No. 1 : pp. 72-79


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Re: Question about Chums swimming in 8 inches of water
« Reply #20 on: November 11, 2010, 02:43:50 PM »

burnaby your right...nature should be just left alone.

It was just so sad to see 100's of large trout trapped in puddles that were 6 inches deep then dry areas then another puddle & so forth... I thought the fish were sitting ducks for any black bear or coyote etc... plus with the summer weather the puddles would of dryed up & 100's of nice sized trout would of been killed.

Can only assume the trout got in the creek/ditch when it was flowing nicely but then the beaver came long & built a dam & trapped them from returning back into the lake.


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Re: Question about Chums swimming in 8 inches of water
« Reply #21 on: November 11, 2010, 03:41:25 PM »

Intervention is a topic that we discussed with officers a few nights ago at the SFAC meeting. The recommendation is that, if you see a problem, the best thing to do is to phone the conservation office, or RAPP line first. The dispatcher will sometimes assess the situation, transfer you to the conservation officer if available. The conservation office will then recommend you, or grant you permission, to do what needs to be done, or he or she would attend the situation if nearby.


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Re: Question about Chums swimming in 8 inches of water
« Reply #23 on: November 12, 2010, 12:50:37 PM »

Ya Rod did go that route...but the response was "something along the lines" IF I CAN REMEMBER CORRECTLY (back in 1977)
"this type of situation is common & happens all the time in the area so..." was kinda the answer.
Did remember the chap was very friendly & listened intently & reconized my concern for the fish.