Personally for me fishing is enjoyable because of the chess match between a person & the fish.
What method ...what selection of lure, fly, bait, what length of leader, river,lake or salt ,how fast to troll,cast location & reel in speed...
Could easily catch & release every fish & still have complete fun.
Other sportsfishing men/ladies may be on the opposite side of the scale & fish only because they like the idea of alot of salmon stored up in their freezer,canned or smoked.
They mainly fish because of their liking to eat them for taste,protein, & cost savings perhaps.
My guess is most are kinda in the middle.
They like the excitement of catching a fish but also enjoy eating the ones they catch.
I could even release a good eating salmon & still have a great day. Something about letting it go on it's way gives me a good feeling.
Plus the whole experience of being out on the water is so energizing & reeling one in is just a bonus.
WOW it is very sunny today in Richmond BC today. Time to put on the sun glasses.