This us what I was referring about patagonia ;
Fishery Notice
Category(s): RECREATIONAL - Salmon
Subject: FN0402-RECREATIONAL - Salmon: Non-Tidal - Seymour River - Region 2 (Lower Mainland)- Increase Daily limit of Hatchery Marked Coho Salmon
Effective May 20, 2011 at 00:01 hours:
The daily limit for hatchery marked coho salmon on the Seymour River is
increased to two per day.
The returns of hatchery marked coho salmon to the Seymour River are sufficient
to support increased fishing harvests, thus the daily limit for hatchery coho
is increased to 2 per day beginning on May 20, 2011. This increase was
supported by the local Sport Fish Advisory Committee.
Variation Order 2011-263
Sport anglers and guides are reminded to label and submit heads from adipose
fin-clipped (hatchery-marked) chinook and coho salmon to the Salmon Head
Recovery Program. Recovery of coded-wire tags from recreational fishers
provides critical information for coast-wide stock assessment. For more
information and locations of Depots contact the Salmon Sport Head Recovery
Program at (866) 483-9994 or visit the following site:
Brian Matts 604-666-2096 For further information on salmon fishing opportunities, please call our salmon
information line at 604-666-8266.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada appreciates your assistance in reporting illegal
fishing activity. Anyone with information can call the 24-hour toll-free
Observe, Record, Report line at 1-800-465-4336.
Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0402
Sent May 19, 2011 at 0850