That lakes makes me think that it's used as a rearing pond for small bass. Then the bass get caught, then stocked in various location. I'm really excited to start bass fishing as soon as it stops raining. I went shopping and got all kinds of lures over the past couple of weeks. I will give Albert Dyck a go, as well as the pond at Trinity University and the river next to it. I'm just wondering as a New Bass fisher, if those are the best places to start. Seems like it from all my research. But I live close to Pitt Meadows too, and don't have a boat.
I know how a lot of people are strictly against bass in our waters, and I understand. But it's nice to have some decent fish of a good size that aren't too hard to catch. I think that Northern Pikeminnows are the REAL culprit for eating up all the trout and salmon fry - especially in the Fraser River. That's why those fish have a bounty in other areas. I personally am so sick of constantly catching them at Buntzen lake, and having to deal with the thousands of them around anything I put in the water to target trout.