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Author Topic: Leighton Lake, May 26th - 30th 2011  (Read 1524 times)


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Leighton Lake, May 26th - 30th 2011
« on: June 02, 2011, 12:47:33 PM »

Vancouver Angling and Game outing:    Slush on the Coq highway summit. A small group arrived late afternoon on the 26th to pouring cold rain.   Cranked up the furnace in the trailer and settled in for an evening of refreshments, good food and discussion.

The 27th dawned cold and blustery with trees on the hills just above the lake white with fresh snow.    Cronie fishing slow but steady all day.    Some doing noticeably better than others.   Some rain.    Same scene Saturday the 28th.

Weather forecast improving and we all expected better results in the sun Sunday.    Heavy frost Sunday morning but sunshine! and the fishing tanked with only a few short bursts of activity.   Same scene Monday and off home.   Fresh hail cover on the summit on the way home.

Had lunch at the Coldwater River near where the highway crosses and explained to my buddy that early big chinook from the Fraser spawn here.   I don't think he was believing me and then a big black chinook jumped twice right next to us!

A typical spring trip.

Four ospreys fishing for spawners in the creek next to camp put on a dispay all weekend.    Pictures to follow.