Could'nt agree more. Nothing more sickening than being downwind of someone smoking while you're fishing and to only then see them toss their butts into the river like it means nothing. As far as I can see pollution is pollution and you can talk all day about Tim Horton coffee cups but I would bet cigarrettes pose a much greater risk of damage to our waters because of the chemicals contained within them, than cups do.
I have absolutely no problem with smokers, hell, I married a smoker and I love her very much. I just think that people should be much more conscientious about what they do with their butts. Afterall we live on a planet with countless of billions of smokers and now imagine each one smokes 10 smokes a day, every day for a year. Yeah !!!! Thats a lot of butts being discarded but the thing I don't get is that smokers feel entitled to litter and fill our streets and waters with filth and its not a big deal. WoW !!! When, where and how did they get this entitlement ?
It seems to me that if people preach on forums or anywhere else for that matter about ecology and keeping our planet green, healthy and vibrant and sustaining life in our waters I would think that they would clean up their act in this regard. Carry a can or container to keep your butts in. Hell, their small so's you'd need a small container and then your conscience is clear. That is if you really care. Do You ?