--Okanagan lake was just reopened this season after being closed for many years. The shore spawn numbers are up but the stream spawning fish (the big ones we like to catch) have not fully recovered as yet.
--Skaha lk kokanee.... I'm not sure yet... have only been fishing one day... several small ones on the line and one larger. Have heard reports of others catching but very few people fishing the lake. Fish last season seemed smaller than usual but maybe I'm just not using the right gear.
--I believe there is going to be a harvest Mysis shrimp this season in Skaha which should help to determine if this beast is robbing the Kokanee and recently introduced sockeye of food.
--The good news for Skaha is many beneficial studies taking place as part of the reintroduction of sockeye program by Okanagan Nation Alliance.
--Wood, Okanagan and Skaha have had and continue to have fairly rigorous monitoring of kokanee numbers.