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Author Topic: Fraser River Spring 5-2 and Summer 5-2 Chinook - June 3rd Abundance Update  (Read 6631 times)

chris gadsden

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    ABORIGINAL - General Information,

COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll,



    Fishery Notice - Fisheries and Oceans Canada


Subject: FN0447-Salmon - Fraser River Spring 5-2 and Summer 5-2 Chinook - June 3rd Abundance Update


In 2013, the Department has identified concerns associated with expected poor

returns of Spring 5-2 and Summer 5-2 chinook to the Fraser River.  Management

of these stocks is based on an in-season assessment of returns using the

cumulative catch per unit effort (CPUE) of chinook caught at the Albion Test

Fishery.  A three zone management approach is used to identify management



The Department is planning to begin the season with management actions based on

the lowest management zone (zone 1) based on the number of spawners in the 2008

parental generation (32,000 chinook) and the recent lower than average survival



The model used to predict the returns of Spring 5-2 and Summer 5-2 chinook to

the Fraser River uses data from the standard chinook net at the Albion Test

fishery and does not use catch from the multi-panel net (which is currently

fished on alternating days).   The standard chinook net is an 8 inch (approx.

20 cm) mesh.   


The 2013 Albion chinook test fishery began operating on April 21st.  A total of

two (2) chinook have been caught in the standard chinook net; no additional

chinook have been caught in the multi-panel net.  This is the lowest catch

observed for this time period since the inception of the Albion chinook test

fishery in 1981. The CPUE input into the model falls below the range of

historical observations of CPUE (1995 to 2012, excluding 2007) used to develop

the Albion prediction model.  Based on this CPUE, for the period May 5 to June

1, the current predicted return of Spring 5-2 and Summer 5-2 chinook to the

mouth of the Fraser ranges from 21,000 to 45,000 chinook (median of 31,000).  A

need for a cautious approach to management of Fraser chinook continues to apply.


Management actions will be confirmed pending the final in-season update planned

for June 17th. Previously announced fishery management actions to conserve

Fraser River chinook remain in effect.


For more infrormation - please contact Kelly Binning 604-666-3935


Fisheries and Oceans Canada Operations Center - FN0447

Sent June 3, 2013 at 15:08

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Keep it closed as long as possible. We can't afford to lose any of these fish from being C&R'd by flossers later this summer. Sad to see these declines, hopefully we can make some meaningful progress on some real solutions to actual stressors and bottlenecks for these stocks later this year.

chris gadsden

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I wonder how many are being taken on the approaches to the river?


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Too many. The Victoria fishery in the early spring hits these fish preferentially, as does the WCVI spring fishery. Even in the complete absence of fishing these stocks would still be declining, so any fishing pressure at all just accelerates the decline. Some of the other causative factors are out of our control, so best to pull the lever on the few that we can control.


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No more BBing. Oh well it was a dark stain on river fishing.
Eat, Sleep, Fish.

chris gadsden

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    ABORIGINAL - General Information,

COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll,



    Fishery Notice - Fisheries and Oceans Canada


Subject: FN0485-Salmon - Fraser River Spring 5-2 and Summer 5-2 Chinook - June 14th Abundance Update


In 2013, the Department has identified concerns associated with expected poor

returns of Spring 5-2 and Summer 5-2 chinook to the Fraser River.  Management

of these stocks is based on an in-season assessment of returns using the

cumulative catch per unit effort (CPUE) of chinook caught at the Albion Test

Fishery.  A three zone management approach is used to identify management



For 2013, the management zone breakpoints have been set at 45 thousand (between

zone 1 and zone 2) and 85 thousand (between zone 2 and zone 3) chinook

returning to the Fraser River.  Management actions for the lowest management

zone (zone 1) were planned pre-season based on the number of spawners in the

2008 parental generation (32 thousand chinook) and the recent lower than

average survival rates. 


The model used to predict the returns of Spring 5-2 and Summer 5-2 chinook to

the Fraser River uses data from the standard chinook net at the Albion Test

fishery and does not use catch from the multi-panel net (which is currently

fished on alternating days).   The standard chinook net is an 8 inch (approx.

20 cm) mesh.   


The 2013 Albion chinook test fishery began operating on April 21st.  A

cumulative total of five (5) chinook have been caught in the standard chinook

net; five additional chinook have been caught in the multi-panel net.  This is

the lowest catch observed for this time period since the inception of the

Albion chinook test fishery in 1981. The CPUE input into the model falls below

the range of historical observations of CPUE (1995 to 2012, excluding 2007)

used to develop the Albion prediction model.  Based on this CPUE, the current

predicted return of Spring 5-2 and Summer 5-2 chinook to the mouth of the

Fraser ranges from 26 thousand to 57 thousand chinook with a mid-point of 38.6



As a result, the Department will manage fisheries based on management zone 1

(i.e. returns to the Fraser less than 45 thousand chinook) for Fraser

Spring 5-2 and Summer 5-2 chinook.  Management actions for specific areas and

fisheries will be confirmed by separate fishery notices. 


This is the final in-season update.





Kelly Binning 604-666-3935


Fisheries and Oceans Canada Operations Center - FN0485

Sent June 14, 2013 at 14:57

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I hate to be negative, but Bar Fishing the Fraser in May/June for Chinook is about as done as corded phones. Those days are gone forever....and man do I miss them.

chris gadsden

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I hate to be negative, but Bar Fishing the Fraser in May/June for Chinook is about as done as corded phones. Those days are gone forever....and man do I miss them.
Were indeed great times, glad I had many enjoyable years.