Sockeye salmon ( wild ) is at the moment going for $20 a lb.
Must be a record high.
With all the BC province sunshine the Fraser R water level must be lower & fact is the water is too warm for the salmon's liking thus man perish before spawning.
Really a shame.
The native & commercial sock fisheries are not allowed to catch them.
Hoping that remaining #s will get to spawn.
Hey why doesn't the Fisheries get giant ice cubes made & truck & dump them into various spots of the Fraser. ( not too far fetched as do ya remember during the "games" in 2010 the gov. trucked in snow from south BC to the Northshore Mts. )
Make 25 ft x 25 ft ice cubes & dump 2000 of them daily along various spots of the Fraser Thompson & Adams etc. Tie cubes to piers / posts.
Fraser R temp should drop some degrees.
In a serious note BC needs heavy rains for 2-3 weeks.
Anyone want to eat a $100 lb sockeye ? Not me that's for sure.
Not that rich.