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Author Topic: Salmon Hatchery Monies??  (Read 1328 times)


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Salmon Hatchery Monies??
« on: August 18, 2013, 07:21:56 PM »

OK so this may be a bit off topic, but I recently read an article where the conservation and rearing of salmon, received a few dollars from our liscences, and that recently they now get ll the mnies from it. Also recently saw a post on the inquiry cost from the 2009 salmon collapse, that cost 29,000,000.00 DOLARS!! 29 MILLION!!! simply put, HOLY CRAP!!

Also I see the news reel on the salmon boat wasting fish as they toss them back some alive and some dead. reports totalling 20,000 plus dead fish. I read the news to see fisherman getting paid 3.00 a pound for sockeye and so on. In the grocery store, i see salmon filets costsing the near price of an ounce of gold. And last but not least i hear a news story about the budgets for CO enforcement very imited so they cant police the situations occuring.

SO it makes me think, that perhaps some of that 29 million dollars couldnt have been used to raise a few million fish at a hatchery to a GOOD size and then released??

Also I am curious that if the money we pay for our liscences helps keep and maintain the salmon stocks, what does the salmon industry contribute?
How much does the FN give back to the cause??
How much of that 3.00 a pound go back to hep the salmon from commercial fisherman?
How much do companies Like the multi-million dollar companies like the Pattison group contribute?
How muc does the grocery store charging 20-25 dollars per pound of wild AND farmed fish contribute??

So while we cant always stop every alsakan, Washington, Or National fish boat hauling in tons of fish. Or have the resources of the CO to catch and fine everyone killing fish. Or have the power to stop Fish farms and their impacts, perhaps we could have everyone in BC cough up 10 cents or so A FISH or a few cents a pound to help rear to a much larger size, and release more fish back into the system. At least that way some of the billion dollar salmon industry would be going into HELPING the situation, instead of what we are currently doing?
If Anyone knows what else is contributed money wise from other sources i would love to hear, as i really dont know, but would love to, thank you
« Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 10:35:43 PM by notracy »