The problem with fishing though is if you are communicating to another fisherman who only uses pounds, you will likely get used to using pounds instead too, in which case it might never go away.
I think it has to do with higher number (in pounds),[which looks way better when story about catching fish is being told lol
"cocaine is the only thing I can think of sold by the kilo here lol, never heard anyone except Europeans talk about fish in kgs"
Never heard any European or any other national in Canada talking about fish weight in pounds.
I'm old (61) haha. Still use pounds. As HKSR points out - to convert pounds to kilos divide pounds by kilos 8.8lb divided by 2.2 = 4K and to convert kilos to pounds - multiply kilos X 2.2 = pounds. 4K X 2.2lb = 8.8 lb
how about this 1 pound is 0.454 grams. Multiply pounds i.e. 10 by 0.454 and you'll get kilograms (4.54 kg)