Yep it's true. BFONA (Bass Fishermen Of North America) in conjuction with the Provincial Government Group BLIP (Bass Legislation Introduction Program) have agreed to make the Coquitlam an "enhanced" Bass stream.
Our hatchery will be raising 500,000 bass smolts and releasing them next year.
The B.C. Provincial Government will be flying us broodstock fishermen to St. Marys lake on a magic carpet, armed with Carolina Rigs and Rapella "Fat Shad Wraps" to collect the needed broodstock.
I have to go now and watch the Government issued video "How to catch that big ol' hawg on top water crank baits" By Hank Parker
There's also talk of Bass intrduction into the Capilano, Vedder/Chilliwack, Squamish and Chehalis systems. Right around the time the Toronto Make Beliefs win the Stanley Cup
Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!!!!!!