Here's a site with the same type of diatribe Shteve would droll over. you he's probably a regular visitor there. Some of there stink can be found here: buffoon site also makes BS claims such as.
"The reality is that whilst Ms Morton is happy to expound her views on her blog, on newspapers or now on mainstream TV, she is never seen debating the issues with those who know salmon farming best. Like other critics of salmon farming, Ms Morton, never replies to those who stand up to her. Instead, she becomes more of a shrinking violet. We certainly would challenge her to come out and argue her case face to face. Of course it will never happen, so instead, advocates of salmon farming have to watch her on a programme that should never have been made."
Meanwhile they gyrate in there own spittle formed words.
"Retweeted by salmonfarmscience
Callander McDowell @ThisIsCalmac · Mar 7
@Alaska_Salmon @fishfarmscience @alex4salmon Fraser River set for historic Sockeye run - didn't someone predict their collapse - wonder who"
On the same page that Alex has commented on. What a pack of crap. Wipe that spittle off your froshing gobber madman. that's the kind of paid losers she has hounding her. Absolute BS from BS spinners.