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Author Topic: Stamp River - Holiday Week Steelhead  (Read 2900 times)

Murphy Sportfishing

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    • Murphy Sportfishing
Stamp River - Holiday Week Steelhead
« on: December 19, 2014, 09:32:13 PM »

The river came back into shape and dropped considerably since the big flood event last week, fish are showing in both the lower and middle with Stamp Falls pool showing some fresh fish daily.  The Falls Pool is the "indicator" for us, fresh fish mid system means fish moving through out.

With 30-60 mm of rain in the forecast for tonight, this weekend it may get high again, so the further upstream the better to keep in the clearer waters, but watch for it to drop quickly as soon as the freezing temperature drops in the mountains.  The last turn around happened really fast. (way faster than we thought possible)

Looking at the weather, Christmas eve and Christmas day look like a promising time frame to head for the lower system and into the Somass river. Usually very low effort on these days, some of my most memorable days over the years are these two....if you can sneak it in... Part of an annual tradition used to be fishing the Somass on my birthday which is Dec 22.  Never been skunked on it.

We are fishing both the upper and the lower now, but with the rains tonight we will focus on the upper this weekend.

The water level system was washed out at Stamp Falls and serious infrastructure will have to be rebuilt so for now the only data we can provide is from the upper river.  This is still very useful as a trend and for rainfall accumulation but is generally much lower than the Somass River.

Call us over the holidays for the latest conditions! We enjoy helping anglers plan their trips with or without guides.  All the best for a wonderful holiday week and BEST FISHES!!

Marilyn Murphy

For the latest info visit at for river level charts, local weather expectations, and more.

Call anytime for updated conditions 250-723-8022
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