I'm pretty inexperienced with braid. The last couple years I've had braid on my big bar rods and that's the only experience I have. This year I put braid on my pink setup and took it into the mouth of the vedder a couple days ago. It's 10lb braid on a 9' noodle and small trout spinning reel.
The problem I'm having is I was twitching jigs, I think the way I reel up the slack after lifting the tip, was causing the braid to be wound on the spool mostly at the base of the spool, and being wound loosely. Which was ok until I would make every 10-15th cast and a tangle would happen in the guides.
This never happens to me using 8lb mono same rod same reel, and doesn't happen tossing metal
The reel doesn't have to much line on it, if anything it's a little low now after all my knots I got.
Maybe it's my technique which I tried to reel in the slack a little nicer.
Anyone else have this problem with braid?.